Broken Soul-Laura Wright LaRoche
Edited by BZ Hercules Cover by LLPIX Paranormal Fiction Enter a century-long journey of love and pain as an old log cabin shares its memories in . . . Broken Soul. Meet Aca Wayne Duran III as he narrates the many-faceted stories of the house he calls home. An elderly man who thought he might be crazy as the visions were revealed to him through vapors and smoke. From beginning to ending, the stories within will captivate you while you struggle with the realization of human impact upon a wooden structure. Is it just condensation on the walls, or the normal “cracks, pops, and pings” of a house settling? You be the judge as you read about murder, love, lust, kidnapping, torture, and more. Each vision shared has been painfully recorded by both the house and the writer. While some tales are softer than others, they all relate to the cause of the. . . Broken Soul.